A downloadable game

Welcome to the World of Blops! Game inspired by the classics like Tamagotchi and Animal Crossing, Blop brings you a unique virtual buddy experience on the Playdate. I’ve always felt the Playdate could use more idle games to keep us coming back for short, delightful moments, and that’s exactly what Blop is here to do.

Taking Care of Your Blop

Blop is always alive, even when you don’t have the game open. He needs your attention to stay happy, healthy, and full of life. This is how you achieve it.


Blop’s happiness is key. It’s split into two parts: short-term and long-term happiness. Short-term happiness reflects how Blop feels in the moment, while long-term happiness is the average over time. You’ll know how Blop’s feeling just by looking at his smile, and you’ll get a daily report on his happiness straight to your inbox.


Blop has four main needs: satiety, energy, hygiene, and health.

🍖 Satiety: Feed him regularly to keep him full, but watch out—his hunger will slowly creep back.

🚿 Hygiene: Hygiene decreases over time, especially if there’s poop in the room. Don’t worry, though—you can clean it up or give Blop a refreshing shower.

🏥 Health: Blop’s health is crucial. Neglecting hygiene, letting poop linger, or letting Blop go hungry can make him sick. You can nurse him back to health with medicine, but it takes time, and Blop needs to stay clean and well-fed while recovering.

🛏️ Energy: Blop will sleep whenever he’s tired, even with the lights on. But for a truly restful sleep, turn off the lights, and he’ll wake up feeling great.

Wishes & Tasks

lop has wishes based on how you take care of him. His first wish? Just to be in good hands. Completing tasks related to his wishes will make him smile, and fulfilling an entire wish will boost his long-term happiness.

Blop’s wishes can be surprising. Maybe he wants to slim down if he’s feeling a bit chubby, or something what you don’t want, … like to be dirty.

Of course, you can refuse a wish, but that won’t make him very happy.

Every Blop is Unique

When you start the game, you’ll get to choose from a selection of randomly generated Blops, each with their own unique look, name, traits, and skills.


Each Blop’s eyes, mouth, and body shape are randomly generated, and they’ll change as they grow. Blops get bigger with age, and if they eat a lot without exercising, they’ll get chubbier too!


Blop comes with over 20 different traits that make him unique. These traits develop as he ages, so you’ll need to adapt to his changing needs.

Some traits are minor—like loving mail, which means you’ll be accepting a lot of spam. Others, like being an introvert, will change how you care for him, because he will be happier if you turn off the game for a while (but don’t let him die!).


What I can say about this 😀. He will just get better in activities you are doing with him. He can be really bad in math in the beginning and kicking a ball like he will be without legs (..👀). But, you can train him to be better.

Blop can learn and improve his skills over time. Maybe he’s not great at math or he is kicking a ball like he is without legs, but with your help, he can get better!


  • ✉️ Inbox: To give me a opportunity talk to you or let you know game better by subscribing to “Game tips” service.
  • 📝 Diary: Keep track of everything happening with Blop in his diary
  • 🔋 Game is taking around 10% in a hour
  • Open system menu to disable locking device
  • Game is still lacking of rich content. Like activities, skills, wishes or mails. First I wanted prepare everything, now I will start adding this. Hope you are patient ❤️.

Developer tools

Since Blop is still in early development (even after a few months 😅), I’d love to hear your feedback! It’s a challenge to balance all the different variables, especially since this is my first game.

In return for your feedback, I’m giving you access to my developer menu (just press the ⬆️ button). Here, you can check out Blop’s stats, mood, and happiness logs, change his appearance, monitor battery usage, or even use a revive item. Play around and let me know how it goes!

Future plans

This is just the core I needed to build other, more excited, features. I love development and I want to continue. I do have planned my next steps and direction I'm moving to.

But I don't know how far I will get.. it depends on you.

I'm not sure if I want to talk a lot about future features, but my next priorities are to make Blop little less like doll (discipline) and teach him walk (pedometer), to give you reason take him outside and increase probability, your friend will ask about your awesome little yellow device Playdate.


Updated 1 day ago
Published 18 days ago
TagsAnimals, Idle, Playdate, Virtual Pet


BlopV5.zip 249 kB
BlopV4.zip 240 kB

Install instructions

Download a game and put it into your Playdate using this link.

Development log


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Looks like a super cute tamagotchi-like game!

Thanks, hope like the game 👌