Dev log #2: Happiness & Stuff

Hey everyone! 👋

Two months ago, I shared a post about a game I've been working on called Blop. Maybe for your surprise, Blop is still going strong, and I’ve made some neat updates, including new features and a polished version! 🎉

I'm thrilled to announce that Blop is now available for FREE as an early access release! 🚀

If you're curious about what I've been up to since my last post, keep reading...

My main focus has been refining the game loop and balancing the needs of your virtual buddy, Blop.

Happiness & Mood 😊

The core of the game revolves around keeping Blop happy. The old "happiness" has evolved into mood (short-term happiness) and long-term happiness. Long-term happiness updates once a day, based on Blop's average mood over the day and the happiness from the previous week.

One of the biggest new features is the Inbox! 📥 Every morning, you’ll get a report on Blop’s previous day—how their happiness and skills have changed, and whether they've developed any new traits.

The Inbox is also where I, the developer, will communicate with you. For instance, if Blop is feeling unwell, you’ll receive an email on how to cure him. (There’s even a subscription option for game tips!)

Mood Matters 😌

Blop's mood affects his behavior. If he's in a bad mood, he moves sluggishly, looks down, and might not even alert you to new mail. A neat touch is that you can now see Blop’s mood reflected in the strength of his smile. 😊

Passive Effects 🍎

I’ve also added passive effects. For example, eating food instantly satisfies hunger, but medicine has a gradual healing effect over time. Btw, to test this, I made the Happy Apple—an item that temporarily boosts Blop’s mood to 150%, but with a health cost and a mood drop after the effect wears off. (not a drug at all)

Inventory 🎒

With the addition of new item, I was pushed to implement the first version of the inventory. It’s a simple list of items without limit (but with descriptions).

I hope you'll give the game a try and me the feedback, and please remember, this is just the first version—so please be patient! 😅 Your feedback is incredibly valuable to me and will help determine how much effort I should continue putting into the game. In the end, this is just the core of the experience I envision for Blop.

Get Blop, Your Virtual Buddy

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